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Publishing has historically been relegated to big businesses, publishing conglomerates, and a few Master craftsmen. With the development of our current digital means, the publishing world has been opened up to the masses. Like Gutenberg, who made books accessible to the common reader, this digital advancement has brought about a change that allows a work to be published without the initial equipment expense and years of concentrated business experience of traditional publishing. 


In turn, it allows many more options for the publisher, author, editor and all other trades that publishing relies on, making it easier to produce a quality, finished product in a much shorter time. With self-publishing becoming a more common occurrence, authors are able to choose the most viable and beneficial options for themselves, and though the options out there are numerous, they’re often cold and impersonal, making it difficult to know where to start or who to trust with your book.


If you're currently writing your book or working on a writing project and are puzzled about what or how to take the next step, we can help with that as well.


Our Worldwide distribution network is not only local, but extends worldwide through online venues the likes of Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and their various international outlets, plus so many more.


Our Professional staff of editors, digital and traditional artists, and typesetters are some of the finest in the business, with years of experience, and adhere to the latest industry standards.




We started the business as a way to help good authors get a great product at an affordable price. We're here to help you start your writing career with the right foot forward, without breaking the bank.


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